【同义词辨析】 2020-07-22 不同different-various

different: may imply little more than separateness but it may also imply contrast or contrariness: ~ foods from ~ lands.    separate分离使用广泛,但只有2个意思 1、单独独立not joined, connected, or combined无连接的,如two separate buildings/restrooms/bank accounts两栋独立楼房/男女各自单独卫生间/各自独立账户,如she keeps her private life and public life separate私人生活和公共生活分开,如the separation of party and government/church and state党政/政教分离 2、无关的not related无联系的,如that is a separate issue那是无关的(另一个)问题,如I met him on four separate occasions我分别见过他四次,如after dinner, we will go our separate ways餐后各奔东西,如after 20 years of marriage they went their separate ways在20年的婚姻之后各奔东西(指离婚);两个义项都可以译作different不同的)

diverse: implies both distinctness and marked contrast: such ~ interests as dancing and football.     distinct有2个意思 1、不同different 2、明显obvious  这里用1     (如subjects as diverse as architecture, language teaching, and the physical sciences各不相同的学科,如a culturally diverse population文化各不相同的人口,如"或因寄所託,放浪形骸之外others may indulge into diverse interests and pursuits.雖趣舍萬殊,靜躁不同the choices are plenty and our temperaments vary",其中diverse强调对比,vary强调变化)

divergent: implies movement away from each other and unlikelihood of ultimate meeting or reconciliation: went on to pursue very ~ careers.  reconcile调解和解to coexist in harmony; to end an disagreement,如tried to reconcile what they said with what I knew使他们所说的和我所知的一致     反义词convergent聚合收敛

disparate: emphasizes the essential incongruity or incompatibility: ~ notions of freedom.        如chalk and cheese are disparate substances粉笔和乳酪是完全不同的东西,如disparate ideas/thoughts/worlds完全不相同的看法/思想/世界       congruity搭配compatibility兼容

various: stresses the number of sorts or kinds: ~ methods have been tried.     又如dresses of various colors五颜六色的衣服,如various ways to solve the problem各种各样的解决办法

different不同: 仅表示不同,最多只是暗示对比,diverse各不相同: 指不同并且对比明显,divergent分离发散: 指彼此分离不再会合和解,disparate完全不同: 强调本质上不搭配兼容,various多种多样: 强调种类多

记忆方法: 1)首字母4D1V想成大V<==与众不同

         2)不同的意思是不一样的种类属性mean unlike in kind or character.